
The Addams Family Amiga game

A few months ago, while the Addams Family film was raking in the profits on its tour, this platform exploration game was nearing completion and boasted some of the most stunning background graphics you could imagine. However, what we have now is the final version - lacking those gorgeous backdrops. Has Ocean lost their minds? Is regression in graphics the new trend among developers? After all, isn't it the eye-catching screenshots that sell games?

Unfortunately, things have gone awry. Our mustachioed hero fell victim to the spiked pendulum of doom just as he reached his last life heart. Thankfully, he still has a couple more lives.

Yes, an appealing screenshot can sway a buyer's decision, but Ocean has taken a bold stance, prioritizing gameplay over aesthetics. Are other developers paying attention?

While you can't experience it on paper, the smooth character animation and brisk movement of sprites add to the game's appeal. Controlling Gomez, our protagonist, feels fantastic as he navigates through his Robocod-meets-Freddy Krueger world with style. As a result, Addams Family is genuinely enjoyable and offers a satisfying gameplay experience. Ocean deemed this level of gameplay worth the sacrifice in graphics fidelity.

Staying true to the film's plot, Uncle Fester has been abducted by the villainous Abigail Craven, along with other family members, and it's up to you to rescue them.

Gomez finds himself pursued by a particularly menacing tree. It's time to venture inside. As more family members are rescued and gather in the piano room, Lurch's tune evolves, reminiscent of a reverse version of the Sound of Music finale.

The black, Gomez-sized hole at the bottom of the tree trunk is what we professionals call a secret doorway. Rest assured, the others aren't as easily spotted. Explore the expansive levels, each accessed through a door in the Addams Mansion hallway, and decide your path, Robocod style. Locate and rescue all family members, and your mission is complete.

Gomez can run, jump, and dispatch enemies by bouncing on their heads. Each level contains sub-levels accessed through secret passageways, tunnels, and underwater sequences, making mapping essential for success. Power-ups scattered throughout the mansion aid in your quest.

If the game's layout seems familiar, the power-ups evoke memories of Sonic The Hedgehog: power sneakers to speed up Gomez, invincibility clouds, and dollar icons to collect for extra lives. Gomez can also acquire a flying fez, allowing him to defy gravity for a few precious moments, along with heart icons to replenish his energy.

The game boasts a vast play area with well-thought-out obstacles that require skill to overcome. Gomez moves seamlessly, enhancing the gaming experience.

While there's not much variation in gameplay between levels, and the lack of diverse backgrounds detracts from the atmosphere, Addams Family is a solid game. It may not be groundbreaking like Robocod, but it's enjoyable nonetheless. Let's applaud good old-fashioned gameplay.

Game category: Amiga games
