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In the realm of budget games, Tarzan Goes Ape by Code Masters stands out as a peculiar blend of recycled gameplay and a free license to utilize the iconic character of Tarzan. Priced at a modest £3.99, the game takes advantage of Edgar Rice Burroughs's classic character, now in the public domain, to offer players an adventure that, while flawed, manages to be entertaining and addictive.
The premise of the game is rather whimsical: a mischievous witch-doctor has transformed Tarzan into an actual ape. To reverse this unusual predicament, players must guide Tarzan through vertically-scrolling levels, reminiscent of classic platform-and-ladders games. The objective is to collect ingredients for a magic potion, all while navigating through the jungle and contending with the local wildlife. The gameplay may be recycled, but it captures the essence of a cheap and cheerful gaming experience.
One cannot help but notice the quirks and shortcomings of Tarzan Goes Ape. The main sprite, purportedly Tarzan, bears little resemblance to the iconic character or even an ape, appearing more like a jelly baby in a nappy. The animations are unremarkable, with the character's movements lacking depth and variety. Despite these visual hiccups, the game manages to weave a certain charm with its lively music, accessible gameplay, and an undeniable "just-one-more-go" quality that is often missing in more sophisticated titles.
The mechanics involve swinging through the trees, reminiscent of Tarzan's iconic vine-swinging scenes. However, the game takes a peculiar turn as players find themselves 'stoning' the local wildlife, showcasing a surprising departure from Tarzan's well-known animal-loving nature. Even falling from great heights is inconsequential, as cleared platforms restock when off-screen, adding an interesting twist to the gameplay dynamics.
While Tarzan Goes Ape may not aspire to be a classic, it achieves its goal of providing a simple, cheap way to pass the time. The comparison to Rainbow Islands is inevitable, though Tarzan's adventure falls short of the latter's excellence. Nevertheless, with an overall rating of 79%, the game successfully delivers on its promise of an entertaining and addictive experience. Force Factor gives it a respectable 70%, acknowledging its role as a casual game meant to fill a spare hour or two with uncomplicated fun.
Game category: Commodore 64 games
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