Play the I Love Lasagna game with the Ruffle flash player emulator

I Love Lasagna Games-For-Girls game

Kids and parents all love lasagna! It's fun to make and even more fun to decorate! Layer each step of this baked pasta masterpiece as a family because single-serve lasagna doesn't exist! You better get the whole family together and maybe even invite a few friends over if you hope to devour all of this personalized pasta! Instructions: Use the mouse to click on all of the meat and veggie decorations until you've made the perfect family dish!

Tags: dinner, cook, games, italian, friends, girl, food, family, cooking, kitchen

Play the I Love Lasagna game.

Game category: Games-For-Girls games

All flash games are unlocked. We use the Ruffle emulator for flash.

Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator built in the Rust programming language.
