In "Batman: Chaos in Gotham," released in 2001 for the Nintendo Game Boy Color, Gotham City plunges into turmoil as its most dangerous villains escape from Arkham Asylum. Developed by Digital Eclipse Software and published by Ubisoft Entertainment, with distribution by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, this action-adventure game immerses players in the world of "The New Batman Adventures."
As chaos reigns and a mass crime wave sweeps through the city, Batman stands as its last line of defense. With the police overwhelmed, Batman, accompanied by Robin and Nightwing, sets out to foil the sinister deeds of notorious villains like Poison Ivy, The Penguin, and The Joker. However, they're not alone in their quest for justice; Batgirl joins the fray as the only other playable character.
Equipped with their arsenal of gadgets and the occasional assistance of specially equipped Bat-vehicles, Batman and Batgirl must confront Gotham's worst nightmares. But lurking behind the mayhem lies a mystery villain mastermind, whose identity remains concealed until the final stages of the game.
"BATMAN: Total Chaos in Gotham City," based on the original WB animated series, thrusts players into the heart of the action alongside the Dark Knight himself. As both Batman and Batgirl, players embark on a relentless pursuit of the escaped villains wreaking havoc on Gotham City. Utilizing every tool and wit at their disposal, along with the aid of specialized Bat-vehicles, players must restore order to the city.
Yet, even with all of Batman's powers and resources, Gotham's worst crimewave challenges his abilities. Battling against the city's nastiest villains, players must uncover the identity of the shadowy mastermind orchestrating the chaos before Gotham falls into permanent darkness.